We haven't exactly been pleased with Maria as a housekeeper or babysitter and lately her conduct had been getting worse. We decided this weekend to send her home so we had to find another option for Leyla. Thankfully a lady I work with gave me the name of the daycare she uses! I don't know if there is another in Catacamas. There are only 4 children, including Leyla, and all are around her age, plus the cost was about the same as we were paying Maria. I was excited because I think at almost 3 Leyla can benefit from a daycare. I don't know how well Maria was watching her, but there, she gets social interaction and they even teach a little bit - like a preschool.
She was excited, too, because I told her she was going to school :) We got her little backpack all packed and she was ready to go! She was so excited to see us when we picked her up, too! The only problem was that she didn't take her nap. I figured she wouldn't, because of too much stimulation, but I thought I would just put her to bed early.
My precious little girl was not so precious. It took all I had to keep from scolding her every second! I feel like it was a great test of my patience and I think I did pretty well. I don't know if it was because I knew she was exhausted, but I did not spank or yell once! But, my goodness - every little thing I said or that she tried to do she had to stop and cry about. She was hungry; wait, I'm making dinner. WAHHHHH. Ok here's your chicken. WAHHHHH. Help Mommy wash dishes - she can't reach the soap - WAHHHHH. Where's my baby doll? WAHHHH. Can't get the diaper on the baby. WAHHHHH. I mean it was every little thing; she would not stop screaming and crying. It was exhausting. Without Maria, I had to come home and clean the house up first and then make dinner, so I was running around "with my head cut off" and trying to respond to her every whine and whimper!
Finally we took a bath and I put her to bed at 7:00 PM and I have never seen her fall asleep so fast :) It is nice to have her asleep so early but I don't know if I can do this every day! Hopefully she will adjust and by the end of the week have adjusted to taking naps there. All in all though I think it will be a great thing for her, and I am already feeling the relief of not having a teenager to "raise" in my house!