This is my first ever post on my brand new blog. I have no idea how to arrange or edit my blog and I'm getting a little confused. But, I will keep trying!
I live in Catacamas, Honduras, my husband's hometown. It was his plan when he graduated to move back home to Catacamas, so, when we got married, that's what we did! Marcos just got started on his project, Project Third Day, last June when we moved here. He works in the mountains planting mahogany, cocoa, and coffee. Since he just got started, we haven't seen the fruits of our labor yet, of course. But in about 5 years we should start seeing some profits. He also started raising some cattle!
While my husband is in the mountains working, I stay in town and teach Math and English at a private, bilingual school here. I teach seventh and eighth grade - high school here - and it is extremely challenging. It is very difficult dealing with kids who have grown up in an environment that does not value education. Every day is a struffle trying to motivate them to pay attention and do their homework. Sometimes I lose my patience, sometimes I want to give up, and sometimes I feel like I have an impossible task. But God has put me here for a reason! So I am trying to stick it out for as long as He wants me to be there.
I guess that is a little introduction to my life. Like I said, I'm new to this blogging thing, so we'll see where it goes from here!
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